Can Sugar Cause Diabetes?

There are so many myths out there when it comes to diabetes. No one really knows what causes type 1 diabetes. We know that genetics and family history is common factors, and environmental and lifestyle factors play a part as well. Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetic factors as well, however lifestyle factors play a much bigger role, which mostly comes from our sweet consumption. So, can sugar cause diabetes? WhichChoose has done in-depth research to find the best answer for this. Scroll down to explore.


Can Sugar Cause Diabetes If You Take It Too Much?

Can To Much Sugar Cause Diabetes?

If you eat a diet high in sugar or high in GI carbohydrates for that matter, then you are going to gain weight. Weight gain is a big factor, especially in developing type 2 diabetes. Eating lots of sugar daily makes no sense at all and can have very bad effects on the body. Remember that sugar is addictive like a drug and can be hard to give up.

The world health organization says that sugar should be limited to 6 teaspoons per day. The average western diet in the developed world is more like 40 teaspoons per day. No wonder there is such a high incidence of diabetes. Now more than 400 million people have the disease. That number is constantly growing. So, can eat too much sugar cause diabetes? I believe that the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that it can!


Can Diabetics Eat Sugar?

Can Diabetics Eat Sugar?

Yes, they can. Sugar is essential, especially if a diabetic has a hypoglycemic episode. Sugar can save a diabetic’s life in certain situations. I know it has saved my life on a couple of occasions.

Our bodies break down carbs and turn them into sugars so eating carbs is closely correlated to eating sugars. White bread, white rice, and even potatoes are converted by our bodies into sugar. I think that eating these starchy foods is very bad for you and there is a lot of misinformation out there about them. I have a very hard time stabilizing my blood sugar levels after eating any of these high GI carbs, especially white rice.

Also remember that sugar can hide in foods that people consider to be low in sugar eg tomato sauce, low-fat salad dressings, tonic water, and low-fat yogurt so be aware.

Diets like the Atkins diet are very interesting. It can make more sense for a type 2 diabetic and can be healthier for you. The Atkins diet is very low in carbs and sugar.


What Sugar Does To The Body

What Sugar Does To The Body

Many people assume that a diet high in sugar is better for you than a diet high in fat. This is an assumption that was born out of the 1970s and 1980s when fat was seen as the real evil. Recent research suggests that sugar, not fat is the real killer. Here are some facts about sugar.

  • Sugar makes you fat. Excess sugar consumption will ultimately add bad fat to the stomach area, especially for men. The excess sugar in your body needs to be burned off or it will go straight to your stomach.
  • Eating sugar or sugary foods does not make you feel full. Eating sugary foods raises your blood sugar levels quickly but sees them just as quickly crash, making you hungry again. This is bad news if you are trying to watch your calorie intake.
  • Sugar is bad for your heart. In the Journal of the American Heart Association evidence showed that sugar affects the pumping mechanism of your heart and could increase the risk of heart failure.
  • Sugar is very bad for the liver. A 2012 paper in the journal Nature, brought forth the idea that limitations and warnings should be placed on sugar similar to warnings we see on alcohol. It showed evidence that fructose and glucose in excess can have a toxic effect on the liver.

Eating sugar and carbs is considered part of a normal healthy diet. In conclusion, can sugar cause diabetes? The answer is: excess sugar and carbs can have a bad effect on the body and may lead to diabetes. There is a lot of sugar hidden in foods you would otherwise consider healthy, e.g. low-fat yogurt. It’s best to cook the meals yourself because that allows you to calculate the sugar intake and hand-pick the healthiest foods. WhichChoose hopes this article is helpful for you!

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